· 海南大学
    2024年10月11日 09:26   

  姓 名:李大东







近年来一直从事根际生态学、植物生理生态、逆境生物学相关的研究工作,重点围绕水淹胁迫下木本植物根系功能性状与适应性策略开展了系列试验,目前以第1作者在Tree PhysiologyAnnals of Forest ScienceForests等国际主流期刊上发表相关论文5篇。主要研究方向:热带陆生乔木树种适应水淹及水淹后干旱环境的调控机制研究。






2022.06 海南大学优秀毕业生

2024.07 海南省优秀博士学位论文《不定根发育对水翁和乌墨幼苗水淹及水淹后干旱耐受性的影响》

2022.12 海南自由贸易港E类人才



1Dadong Li, Lingfeng Miao, El-Hadji Malick Cisse, Lijun Li, Boshen Chen, Fan Yang*. Dissecting the below- and aboveground specific responses of two waterlogging tolerant arbor species to nutrient supply under waterlogging conditions. Tree Physiology, 43(3), 390-403, 2023.

2Dadong Li, El-Hadji Malick Cisse, Luyao Guo, Juan Zhang, Lingfeng Miao*, Fan Yang*. Comparable and adaptable strategies to waterlogging stress regulated by adventitious roots between two contrasting species. Tree Physiology, 42(5), 971-988, 2022.

3Dadong Li, Lingfeng Miao, Mengjie Tian, Jingjing Zhou, Weizong Yang, Fan Yang*. Differences in eco-physiological responses to the removal of adventitious roots between Syzygium nervosum A. Cunn. ex DC. and Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels saplings under waterlogging. Annals of Forest Science 80, 13, 2023.

4Dadong Li, Tingfa Dong, Chunyan Zhang, Gaiqun Huang, Gang Liu, Xiao Xu*. Effects of elevated temperature and CO2 concentration on floral development and sex differentiation in Morus alba L. Annals of Forest Science, 76, 112, 2019.

5Dadong Li#, Luyao Guo#, Mengjie Tian, Lingfeng Miao, Lishan Xiang, Fan Yang*. Effects of waterlogging stress on the neighboring relationships between Cleistocalyx operculatus (Roxb.) Merr. and Dalbergia odorifera T. chen saplings. Forests, 14, 377, 2023.

6Mengjie Tian, Dadong Li, El-Hadji Malick Cisse, Fan Yang*. Intra-and interspecific ecophysiological responses to waterlogging stress in two contrasting waterlogging-tolerant arbor species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1257730, 2023.

7El-Hadji Malick Cisse#, Juan Zhang#, Dadong Li, Lingfeng Miao, Liyan Yin, Fan Yang*. Exogenous ABA and IAA modulate physiological and hormonal adaptation strategies in Cleistocalyx operculatus and Syzygium jambos under long-term waterlogging conditions. BMC Plant Biology, 22(1), 1-20. 2022.

8El-Hadji Malick Cisse#, Jinfu Huang#, Dadong Li, Lingfeng Miao, Lishan Xiang, Fan Yang*. Exogenous spermidine alleviated waterlogging damages in the leaves of two varieties of Camellia oleifera. Forests, 14(1), 91, 2023.

9李大东, 王海波, 杨帆, 苗灵凤, 张娟, 向丽珊*. 富营养化水体水淹及水淹后干旱对降香黄檀生理生态的影响. 热带亚热带植物学报, 32(5):651~659, 2024.

10)龙奕帆, 田梦洁, 叶冰冰, 李梦琦, 李大东*, 杨帆*. 东寨港自然保护区不同潮位下海莲群落特征及种群动态的比较研究. 植物科学学报, 2024.

  • 联系地址:海南省海口市人民大道58号海南大学生物楼614室(综合办)
  • 联系电话:0898-66253203(综合办、人才引进)、66262145(本科教务)、66254379(研究生管理)
  • E-mail: hdsmkx@hainanu.edu.cn(综合办、人才引进);skyjw@hainanu.edu.cn(本科教务);skyyjs@hainanu.edu.cn(研究生管理)
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