· 海南大学
    2024年10月11日 08:36   

  姓 名:曹先梅







在博士后期间(2023年07月01日-2024年07月01日)主要开展槟榔黄化相关病毒APV1导致槟榔黄化致病机理研究。目前共发表文章13篇,其中SCI 9篇,第1作者3篇。




(1) Xianmei Cao1, Baosen Gao1, Jie Lu, Hongxing Wang, Ruibai Zhao, Xi Huang*. Areca palm velarivirus 1 infection caused disassembly of chloroplast and reduction of photosynthesis in areca palm. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2024; 15: 1424489. Published 2024 Jun 13.

(2) Khan Latif Ullah1, Xianmei Cao, Ruibai Zhao, Hang Tan, Zengyu Xing, Xi Huang*. Effect of temperature on yellow leaf disease symptoms and its associated areca palm velarivirus 1 titer in areca palm (Areca catechu L.). Frontiers in plant science, 2022, Oct, 14; 13: 1023386.

(3) Xianmei Cao1, Ruibai Zhao, Hongxing Wang, Huaiwen Zhang, Xue Zhao, Latif Ullah Khan, Xi Huang*. Genomic diversity of Areca Palm Velarivirus 1 (APV1) in Areca palm (Areca catechu) plantations in Hainan, China. BMC Genomics, 22, 725 (2021).

(4) Huaiwen Zhang1, Xue Zhao, Xianmei Cao, Latif Ullah Khan, Ruibai Zhao, Hongxing Wang, Xi Huang*. Transmission of areca palm velarivirus 1 (APV1) by mealybugs causes yellow leaf disease (YLD) in betel palm (Areca catechu). Phytopathology. 2021, Sep, 7.

(5) Jia Li1, Xianmei Cao, Xiaocheng Jia, Liyun Liu, Haowei Cao, Weiquan Qin, Meng Li*. Iron Deficiency Leads to Chlorosis Through Impacting Chlorophyll Synthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism in Areca catechu L. Frontiers in plant science, 2021, Aug, 2; 12: 710093.

(6) Hongxing Wang1, Ruibai Zhao, Huaiwen Zhang, Xianmei Cao, Zhaotong Li, Ze Zhang, Jinling Zhai, Xi Huang*. Prevalence of yellow leaf disease (YLD) and its associated areca palm velarivirus 1 (APV1) in betel palm (Areca catechu) plantations in Hainan, China. Plant Disease, 2020. 0:1-7.

(7) Jia Li1, Xiaocheng Jia, Liyun Liu, Xianmei Cao, Yifan Xiong, Yaodong Yang, Huanqi Zhou, Ming Yi, Meng Li*. Comparative biochemical and transcriptome analysis provides insights into the regulatory mechanism of striped leaf albinism in arecanut (Areca catechu L.), Industrial Crops and Products, Volume 154, 2020, 112734, ISSN 0926-6690.

(8) Jia Li1Xianmei Cao, Yanju LiuXintao LeiZhongming Fang*. Comparative identification and differential expression pattern of amino acid permease genes in Elaeis guineensis, Biotechnology \& Biotechnological Equipment, volume 33, 1, 315-324, 2019.

(9) XianMei Cao1, HuiYan Sun, ChunGe Wang, XiaoJia Ren, HongFei Liu, ZuJian Zhang*. Effects of late-stage nitrogen fertilizer application on the starch structure and cooking quality of rice. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Volume 98, Issue 6, First published: 09, October, 2017.

(10) 曹先梅, 刘立云, 李佳. 缺硼槟榔幼苗的生理反应和根系发育特征[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2020, 26(02): 386-392.

(11) 李佳, 曹先梅, 刘立云, 牛启祥. 镁对槟榔幼苗光合特性和叶绿体超微结构的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2019, 25(11): 1949-1956.

(12) 李佳, 曹先梅, 谢赛, 刘立云. 槟榔AcAAP3基因cDNA克隆及其组织表达特性分析[J]. 南方农业学报, 2019, 50(02): 215-221.

(13) 石吕, 张新月, 孙惠艳, 曹先梅, 刘建, 张祖建. 不同类型水稻品种稻米蛋白质含量与蒸煮食味品质的关系及后期氮肥的效应[J].中国水稻科学, 2019, 33(06): 541-552.

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