王国昊校友目前就职美国国立卫生研究院,担任博士后研究人员。主要研究神经退行性疾病和肿瘤干细胞,获得NCI CGS基金和NIH FARE优秀奖,代表作品主要发表于Nature Communications, PNAS, Cell Research, Molecular Neurodegeneration, Neruon, J Neuroscience, J Bacteriology 等杂志。哺乳动物内首次证明敲除Arf1可以杀死肿瘤干细胞,并激活机体免疫反应,为治疗肝癌和肠癌提供治疗靶点。证明成年小鼠神经系统内敲除亨廷顿舞蹈病致病蛋白-Htt不会引起神经退行性疾病,但是全身敲除Htt蛋白会导致急性胰腺炎,为基因治疗亨廷顿舞蹈病提供重要的指导意义,该成果相继被F1000推荐为重要论文,以及各大媒体宣传。另外,构建了肌萎缩脊髓侧索硬化症的SOD1和TDP43猪动物模型,为治疗ALS提供大动物药物筛选模型。利用猴构建帕金森病的突变蛋白-alpha-synuclein猴子模型,为研究帕金森病致病机理和治疗帕金森病提供重要的大动物模型。
1. Wang G, Yin W, Shin H, Hou SX. Arf1-Ablation-Induced Neuronal Damage Promotes Neurodegeneration through a NLRP3 Inflammasome-Meningeal γδ T cell-IFN-γ-Reactive Astrocyte Pathway. (Prepare for submit)
2. Wang G, Xu J, Zhao J, Yin W, Liu D, Chen W, Hou SX. Arf1 Ablation Kills Cancer Stem Cells and Induces DAMP-mediated Anti-tumor Immune Responses in Mice. Nature Communications.2020, 11: 220.
3. Liu X, Wang CE, Hong Y, Zhao T, Wang G, Gaertig MA, Sun M, Li S, Li XJ. N-terminal huntingtin knock-in mice: Implications of removing the N-terminal region of huntingtin for therapy. PLoS Genet. 2016, 12(5): e1006083.
4. Wang G, Liu X, Gaertig MA, Li S, Li XJ. Ablation of huntingtin in adult neurons is non-deleterious but its depletion in young mice causes acute pancreatitis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016, 113(12):3359-3364.
5. Wang G*, Yang H*, Yan S*, Wang CE, Liu X, Zhao B, Ouyang Z, Yin P, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Liu T, Fan N, Guo L, Li S, Li XJ, Lai L. Cytoplasmic mislocalization of RNA splicing factors and aberrant neuronal gene splicing in TDP-43 transgenic pig brain. Mol Neurodegener. 2015, 10:42.
6. Yang W*, Wang G*, Wang CE*, Guo X, Yin P, Gao J, Tu Z, Wang Z, Wu J, Hu X, Li S, Li XJ. Mutant alpha-Synuclein causes age-dependent neuropathology in monkey brain. J Neurosci. 2015, 35(21):8345-8358. (Co-first author)
7. Huang B, Wei W, Wang G, Gaertig MA, Feng Y, Wang W, Li XJ, Li S. Mutant huntingtin downregulates myelin regulatory factor-mediated myelin gene expression and affects mature oligodendrocytes. Neuron. 2015, 85(6):1212-1226.
8. Yang H*, Wang G*, Sun H*, Shu R*, Liu T, Wang CE, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Zhao B, Ouyang Z, Yang D, Huang J, Zhou Y, Li S, Jiang X, Xiao Z, Li XJ, Lai L. Species-dependent neuropathology in transgenic SOD1 pigs. Cell Res. 2014, 24(4):464-481. (Co-first author)
9. Wang G, Huang X, Li S, Huang J, Wei X, Li Y, Xu Y. The RNA chaperone Hfq regulates antibiotic biosynthesis in the rhizobacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa M18. J Bacterial. 2012, 194(10):2443-2457.
10. Li S, Huang X, Wang G, Xu Y. Transcriptional activation of Pyoluteorin operon mediated by the LysR-type regulator PltR bound at a 22bp lys box in Pseudomonas aeruginosa M18. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(6): e39538.