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    2025年03月13日 10:08   

姓 名:


职 称:









2000-2004 西华师范大学生物科学专业,理学学士

2004-2007 四川大学细胞生物学专业,理学硕士

2013-2016 四川大学遗传学专业,理学博士

2007-2024 西南医科大学,助理研究员/副研究员/研究员

2008-2009 日本德岛大学,访问学者

2011-2013 英国赫尔大学,研究助理

2024至今 海南大学生命健康学院,研究员


1. 新型离子通道和转运蛋白的生理、病理功能

2. 心血管、呼吸和神经系统疾病的分子病理机制


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (32171106),2022-2025,负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (31300965), 2014-2016,负责人


1. Chen GL#, Li JY#, Chen X#, Liu JW#, Zhang Q#, Liu JY, Wen J, Wang N, Lei M, Wei JP, Yi L, Li JJ, Ling YP, Yi HQ, Hu Z, Duan J, Zhang J, Zeng B* (2024) Mechanosensitive channels TMEM63A and TMEM63B mediate lung inflation-induced surfactant secretion. Journal of Clinical Investigation 134(5):e174508.

2. Chen GL, Zeng B, Jiang H, Daskoulidou N, Saurabh R, Chitando RJ, Xu SZ* (2023) Ca(2+) Influx through TRPC Channels Is Regulated by Homocysteine-Copper Complexes. Biomolecules 13(6):952.

3. Xu XX, Shi RX, Fu Y, Wang JL, Tong X, Zhang SQ, Wang N, Li MX, Tong Y, Wang W, He M, Liu BY, Chen GL*, Guo F* (2023) Neuronal nitric oxide synthase/reactive oxygen species pathway is involved in apoptosis and pyroptosis in epilepsy. Neural Regeneration Research 18(6):1277-1285.

4. Wang N, Yang Y, Wen J, Fan XR, Li J, Xiong B, Zhang J, Zeng B, Shen JW*, Chen GL* (2022) Molecular Determinants for the High-Affinity Blockade of Human Ether-a-go-go-Related Gene K + Channel by Tolterodine. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 80(5):679-689.

5. Liu J#, Ge Y#, Wang N, Wen J, Wang W, Zeng B, Chen GL* (2021) A Simple and Efficient Method to Generate Gene-Knockout and Transgenic Cell Lines. DNA and Cell Biology 40(2): 239-246.

6. Duan J#, Li J#, Chen GL#, Ge Y, Liu J, Xie K, Peng X, Zhou W, Zhong J, Zhang Y, Xu J, Xue C, Zhou L, Liu W, Tian X, Wang J, Clapham DE, Zeng B*, Li Z*, Zhang J* (2019) Cryo-EM structure of TRPC5 at 2.8 Å resolution reveals unique and conserved structural elements essential for channel function. Science Advances 5: eaaw7935.

7. Zeng B#*, Chen GL#, Garcia-Vaz E#, Bhandari S, Daskoulidou N, Berglund LM, Jiang H, Hallett T, Zhou LP, Huang L, Xu ZH, Nair V, Nelson RG, Ju W, Kretzler M, Atkin SL, Gomez MF, Xu SZ* (2017) ORAI channels are critical for receptor-mediated endocytosis of albumin. Nature Communications 8(1):1920.

8. Zeng B#, Chen GL#, Daskoulidou N, Xu SZ* (2014) The ryanodine receptor agonist 4-chloro-3-ethylphenol blocks ORAI store-operated channels. British Journal of Pharmacology 171, 1250-1259.

9. Chen GL#, Zeng B#, Eastmond S, Elsenussi SE, Boa AN, Xu SZ* (2012) Pharmacological comparison of novel synthetic fenamate analogues with econazole and 2-APB on the inhibition of TRPM2 channels. British Journal of Pharmacology 167, 1232-1243.

E-mail: hdsmkx@hainanu.edu.cn(综合办、人才引进);skyjw@hainanu.edu.cn(本科教务);skyyjs@hainanu.edu.cn(研究生管理)